Production line of induction components for sensors

Precise control, high speed cycle

Production line is controlled by PLC Siemens S7-1500. Safety is based on programable safety relay SICK. Every dangerous access point is protected by Omron safety light curtains. To handle operation and maintenance on many places around the line we used mobile HMI panel. Panel is connected to one of  four connection points, depands on maintenance decision.

Dificulty of task were in very precise control of movements controlled by servo drives SMC and Siemens and very high speed operation cycle. Complete process consist from many operations like cutting, manipulation, glueing, drying, hardening and checking quality.

SMC and Siemens servo drives & KUKA robots

In the first phase of the process were manipulations done by SMC and Siemens servo drives with pneumatic grippers. After 108 parts were produced and manipulate to cassette, cassette were transferred to oven by KUKA robot. After hardening in oven KUKA robot takes cassette to quality checking position. Quality checking position in the first step measure product bending. If bending is in tolerence then product is transfer by next KUKA robot to size checking with vision system. Previous already checked product is manipulated to induction measurement and then to conevyor which deliver final product to marking position and on the end to packing machine. Every piece which failed on the measurement is transfer to separate box for specific failure.